Foreshadowing the demise of Waterloo, Expo visionary Alan Hetts took a leap of faith in Madison, Wis. We Need A Show chronicles that story and how Expo has developed over the past 50 years
A pair of cows from the Badger State was named Grand and Reserve Grand Champion at the International Junior Holstein Show. Holstein cows owned and exhibited by junior members paraded across the royal blue...
What's the best way for trade show exhibitors to relax after the first day in the booth? Food, drinks and visiting with fellow show exhibitors at the Hoard's Dairyman and World Dairy Expo-sponsored Exhibitor...
Winning cow families and farm families rise to the top. The Junior Champion honors was a family affair, with siblings and cousins, Crystal, Jordan, Jake, Josh, Connor and Lauren Siemers of Wisconsin, taking...
Trade show exhibitors mingled with fellow attendees as they enjoyed appetizers and beverages at the party hosted by Hoard's Dairyman and World Dairy Expo. The room was packed and overflowed into the foyer,...
Four-year-olds TJ Classic Minister Venus-ET and Marynole Excite Rosey emerged at the top of the deepest Jersey cow class of the day and stayed side by side throughout the afternoon
Completeness, balance and strong udders described the cows that Judge Molly Sloan found to the top of the classes throughout the day at the Junior Holstein Show on Tuesday
Judge Wallace made his selection from 257 head exhibited in the International Ayrshire show. The sound of bagpipes faded, and Judge David Wallace walked toward the middle of the ring tapping the winning...
Cara Woloohojian and her cow Clara Bell steal the show. One cow was undoubtedly the star of the International Guernsey show on Friday. Wee Acres Spider Clara Bell, owned by Cara Woloohojian of Rhode Island,...
Winners from Coast to Coast. Brown Swiss breeder Richard Hill of New York served as the official judge of the International Brown Swiss Show with the assistance of Joe Sparrow of Kentucky serving as his...
Three-year-old and six-year-old Excitation daughters steal the show. There were an impressive 357 entries at the International Jersey Show, beginning with the heifer show on Tuesday and ending with the...
Atwood and Goldwyn claim two champions each. International Junior Holstein Show Champions Pat Conroy, Angola, Ind., had 240 Holsteins parade before him along with associate judge, Esteban Posada of Mexico...
The annual Exhibitor Party awards the best booths and provides fun for all. The Hoard's Dairyman Exhibitor Party has become a welcome tradition at Expo. Commercial exhibitors gathered for a night of friends,...
Wisconsin 4-H and Big Spring FFA top Junior Dairy Management Contest. While the seven breed shows and dairy judging contests garner the most attention at the All-American Dairy Show, a not-so-well-known...
Holstein and Red & White named best cows of junior show at World Dairy Expo Partnerships were the flavor of the day, as two teams of junior members earned the top two honors at World Dairy Expo on Saturday,...
Siblings win Grand Champion honors Dressed in bright orange shirts, junior Holstein exhibitors kicked off the the first show of Expo. Judge Chris Lahmers of Ohio and his associate judge, Pat Conroy of...
Youth at the Wisconsin State Fair share messages with fairgoers. Showing livestock at the fair can be a hectic time filled with preparing for shows and interviews, as well as keeping up with chores at...
Open Show Champions Larry & Jordan Landsgard, Gene Henderson with Christina, Emily & Stuart Rowe, Katie Bue with Lady, and judge Paul Trapp. The Grand Champion Milking Shorthorn was the 5 year old, Innisfail...
The Jersey cows and heifers came out in full force for the 2011 Central National Jersey show held on the World Dairy Expo grounds. Hank Van Exel of Lodi, California and associate judge Nathan Thomas of...